How to deal with boring presentations or lectures???

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Whatever be the topic, you can be interested in it by participating.
The ways to participTion:
  1. Think of yourself in the place of the presenter and think how would you do it, this will make you more interested,, related to the topic and will give you mind a sense of competition against the presenter ane ofcourse, your mind will come up with a great idea.
  2. Get the gist of the topic and keep a question or two in mind to ask during the question answer round. This will enable you to be interested until the end of presentation and will keep you on higher records as you are asking questions and others might not.
  3. Seek a chance to speak on the said topic or try to find five minutes of meeting’s time to present your idea, just from your seat, like a discussion.
All these ideas are highly result oriented and will bring you satisfaction of showing leadership quality at work, which is often noticed by the senior subordinates. Ofcourse, you want that to happn for your next increment or promotion? Right???
Try these and respond to me, if it did work for you or not!

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