Mission & Vision

“Educate, equip & empower the common man to combat emergencies in daily lives. This will that create a society for human race where someone should not end up saying, I wish I could have saved them by knowing what to do”.
“To explain the real meaning of ‘to give is to receive’ by promoting the highest form of charity, the Food Charity“.
“To Educate and encourage people to choose healthy lifestyle by promoting Green Energy Concepts” such as use of E-Bicycles and solar energy.

Now Picture this,
  1. Do you know if there are rules to extinguish fire and water is not the only appropriate option? What if fire outbreaks in an electrical equipment?
  2. Do you know if someone starts to bleed heavily then how to stop it? Or if someone’s BP becomes abnormal suddenly, what do you do?
  3. How do you plan to keep children and old age people safe in daily life?
  4. If a gas cylinder leaks at home, what do you do?
  5. Do you know ABC and CPR? How important it might prove for you or loved ones someday?
  • Now that’s our vision, to equip you and the society with these know hows so that you shall not fell helpless if ever in an emergency situation..Be it fire, electrical, medical.

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