Changing over from Aux Boiler to Economiser post Maneuvering!

Changing over from Aux Boiler to Economiser post Maneuvering! 

changing over is a crucial process as at the time of maneuvering and changing over, the most important thing to remember is the total system pressure.
boiler change over procedureonce your engine has reached certain threshold rpm, then turbos are working good, its time for the economiser to come into play.
at this moment, the vent of the economiser is closed and the feed water is checked in it for sufficiency.
once all the checks has been made then the sea water pressure is increased a little bit in order to compensate for the heat exchange in the main steam heat exchanger.
the steam pressure of economiser is closely monitored.once it reaches above 2 bars, the main steam valve of ecnomiser to the system is crack opened for the line to get heated up and in sync with the system.
a close watch on the main system pressure is done and if required, steam coming from the Aux Boiler is dumped a little bit to the exchanger.
As the pressure builds up in the economiser, the steam valve is opened accordingly and the Aux Boiler valve is closed accordingly (if aux boiler not required at all by other ship's services).
Once the economiser takes over the full system pressure, the aux boiler is made to stop firing.

Its just that simple ;D

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