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An Idiot's Guide to MARPOL! written by an idiot for easy understanding

An Idiot's Guide to MARPOL

"International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, modified by Protocol of 1978 and entered into force on 2nd Oct 1983."
Special Attraction: All Annexes here are condensed and ALL AMENDMENTS INCLUDED!
MARPOL is a very important International Marine Environmental Conventions. It is designed to minimize the pollution of the seas, including the dumping, oil, garbage and exhaust pollution.
                                                                                                  Its basic objective is to preserve the marine environment through elimination of pollution causing factors  and other harmful substances by creating a benchmark of regulations that every member country needs to follow.

Thus to monetize this objective, MARPOL Annexes:

[Click on the blue link to learn about each annex]

ANNEX 1: Oil Pollution (2 Oct 83)

ANNEX 2: Noxious Liquid Substances (2 Oct 83)

ANNEX 4: Sewage (27 Sep 03)

ANNEX 5: Garbage (31 Dec 88)

ANNEX 6: Air Pollution (19 May 05)

 We at MEO SUCCESS hope that this post will free you from all the books and offer you freedom to learn the best of the knowledge in simplest language that anyone can digest!

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