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Bunker Checklist and Calculation with example!

Bunker Checklist

Found this on records, so thought to share...

The bunker calculation is simple and needs the following:

- Tank Sounding data and Tank Capacity Table. The Corrected Sounding means below is the sounding after correcting with vessel’s trim and list.

- Temperature of Oil on Tanks,

- Oil Density @15C,

- Table ASTM 54B (VCF) and Table ASTM 56 (WCF).

Now we could go with sample of 1 tank to test the calculation.

** Question :

FO Tank No. 1 Center, Corrected Sounding = 3.27 Meter, Temperature = 34 degrees celcius, Density @ 15 C = 0.9870.

Tank Volume at Sounding 3.20 M = 157.20 Cubic Meter, at Sounding 3.30 M = 163.60 Cubic Meter.

** Answer :

- The Quantity in Metric Ton = Oil Vol x VCF x WCF,

- Observe Volume = {(3.27 – 3.20) / (3.30 – 3.20) x (163.60 – 157.20)} + 157.20 = (0.07/0.10) x (6.40) + 157.20 = 4.48 + 157.20 = 161.68 Cu.M.

- T 54B (VCF) > Density @ 15C 0.9903 at 34 C = 0.9870

ASTM Table 54B

- T 56 (WCF) : Density @15C 0.9903 at  34 C = 0.9892 (Quick formula with reducing factor for WCF is Density @ 15C – 0.0011 = 0.9903 – 0.0011 = 0.9892). We don’t need to see the table anymore.

- So, The Quantity in MT is 161.68 x 0.9870 x 0.9892 = 157.85 MT. 

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