Thursday, October 17, 2024

Computer Literacy & MS Office on Ships

 In today's maritime industry, technology plays an increasingly significant role, and for merchant navy cadets, being well-versed in essential software programs like Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint is more important than ever. While physical skills, navigation techniques, and maritime safety protocols form the foundation of a cadet’s education, digital literacy, particularly in these programs, adds a modern edge to their training and career development. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why mastering these tools is crucial for young cadets in the merchant navy.

1. Enhancing Operational Efficiency

Merchant navy officers are often required to handle complex data related to cargo, fuel consumption, crew scheduling, and maintenance logs. MS Excel, with its ability to process large amounts of data, allows cadets to efficiently track and analyze this information. Learning Excel’s features—such as formulas, pivot tables, and conditional formatting—enables cadets to automate calculations, forecast trends, and generate reports quickly.

For example, tracking fuel usage is critical for optimizing voyages and ensuring cost-efficiency. A cadet proficient in Excel can create spreadsheets that monitor fuel consumption rates, predict when refueling is needed, and calculate the cost of travel based on fuel prices at different ports.

2. Professional Presentations and Briefings

Merchant navy officers often need to present data and information to their crew, management, or stakeholders. PowerPoint is an invaluable tool for creating professional presentations that communicate key information clearly and effectively. Whether it’s a safety briefing, a voyage report, or a performance update, cadets who can design structured, visually appealing slides with charts and graphs will have a greater impact.

PowerPoint also enhances cadets' ability to communicate complex information succinctly, a skill that becomes invaluable during emergencies or in fast-paced environments where clear communication can mean the difference between success and failure.

3. Navigating Shipboard Technology

Ships are now equipped with advanced technology systems for navigation, engine monitoring, and logistics management, many of which rely on data management. Knowledge of Excel allows cadets to integrate this data seamlessly, ensuring accurate record-keeping and real-time monitoring.

For instance, while onboard, a cadet may be tasked with recording navigation data, which could involve calculating average speeds, determining estimated times of arrival, or monitoring weather patterns. Excel’s data analysis capabilities provide an ideal platform for these tasks, ensuring precision and efficiency.

4. Data-Driven Decision Making

The maritime industry is becoming increasingly data-driven. From analyzing cargo capacities to optimizing routes, the ability to interpret and manipulate data through Excel provides young cadets with a competitive edge. Excel can help them simulate scenarios, assess risk, and make informed decisions. This analytical approach is highly valued in shipping operations, where small improvements can lead to significant cost savings and operational efficiency.

5. Supporting Career Development

Proficiency in Excel and PowerPoint enhances a cadet’s resume and increases career prospects. Many shipping companies look for officers who not only possess practical maritime skills but also demonstrate technical competence. Excel and PowerPoint skills are transferable, allowing cadets to work across various departments, whether it’s logistics, finance, or crew management.

As cadets progress in their careers, they may be called upon to manage projects, present findings to senior management, or contribute to the administrative side of the ship’s operations. Having these software skills enables them to excel in such roles and even pursue positions of leadership faster.

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For young merchant navy cadets, the importance of being proficient in programs like MS Excel and PowerPoint cannot be overstated. These tools not only improve operational efficiency onboard but also enhance communication, foster data-driven decision-making, and open doors to broader career opportunities. As the maritime industry continues to embrace digitalization, cadets who equip themselves with these skills will be better positioned to thrive in the evolving landscape.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

On Ship? | Safeguard your family | Cab Riding Toolkit

This video is intended to educate your family about the safety tips which they can utilise in the times of need. God forbid if a situation ever arises, they must be aware of the essentials for public transport travel.
This will ensure #peaceofmind during use of  #publictransport 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Ship, Sailors, Harassment & TeamWork

Ship’s Engine Room Run Bottom Flat to Funnel @GoPro

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

MAYA: A Sinner or YOU???


The powerful four lettered word which has powers so intense that it does not spare even the great yogis and lashes at them with different greeds which they keep away by diving deep into the ocean of the divine. Where there is divine there is Gyana, i.e, sense to identify between the virtuous and the unworthy. The sensible yogi. s do not fall for intoxication offered by maya which lasts for only a few minutes or hours in the form of lust, liquor or smoke instead a yogi loves to be in the intoxication offered by the divine and it lasts forever if you keep it held right. Sai Baba says this maya teases him too but he can simply keep it miles away as he always takes refuge in the lord's name.

But, what about us? We, the slaves of maya. It does 'nt even need to attract us because we ourselves surrender to its feet. And you say KARMA is a *** (read culprit). The exciting offers of maya are way beyond our refusal and thus we do not even know (at times) that we shall avoid it, because for every action of ours, we add on one reward point to the ledger of KARMA.And for those who still does not believe in KARMA shall read the science of energy and its equilibrium. In a nutshell, everything is energy, changing forms from one form to another at the cost of some byproducts which are again kind of energy. So here at this level of understanding, what we refer to karma is the byproduct of our actions which need to be transformed to some form of energy. All these calculations are thus naturally referred to as your KARMA.

The remedy here is to keep ourselves engrossed in the name of the lord which doesn't mean to leave your school or job, instead to train your mind to offer everything you do to the almighty (or whichever name you like to call for your personal Supreme power or your higher self). By doing this, you can be ever cautious in your actions and this will save a lot of energy of yours' which might be spent in repenting some actions or feeling guilty.I give you an example here, lets suppose Mr X is married happily and he gets attracted to another woman who in turn likes Mr X. Now it is natural for him to make advances of any and every sort...But, But, But, if he asks a question in his mind, that, "hey sai baba, shall I move ahead with this sort of fling?", then an inner voice shall stop him from doing adultery which of course is a sort of wrong doing and shall bring a lifetime of guilt to Mr X. So, this way we can ask questions to sai baba(who is no where else but in your head, acting as your intuition) which will give us a chance to take control of the situation by making a wise choice.Let us take another example, you are Miss C and you are on a strict workout and diet routine to achieve your goal. But on a fine sunny winter afternoon, you happen to open the refrigerator and find a piece of rum cake along with a pizza slice. What would be your first thought? Well, I bet to eat it. But, you stop and ask, "Oh Sai, shall I consume this cake despite of knowing this will add extra calories and I will have to run for 45 minutes to get rid of it?". This second thought will instantly make you cautious of the consequences and shall avoid the extra work later or the guilt.

This method is very effective. All you need to do is to make your supreme lord (or whatever name you would like) as your guidance star to ask direct questions and you shall get benefitted.

Because, guilt is a very cruel byproduct of your actions, It certainly is...

Note: This article is an excerpt from my book (Theo Modern Interpretation), that will be soon published and available for purchase. To learn more about this book, please email to

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Reset Yourself

Tuesday, February 26, 2019



Often we come across certain people who have a myth being in their mind that running a ship is one man show. But such a bubble of myth must burst into the rain of awareness that engine just doesn't run just by itself, but it takes efforts of lot of auxiliary machinery to make It work.Similarly, an organization, a company and even a ship is run by each of its members. I feel pity on some souls who do not upgrade their thought process.

I am proud to be a part of a company who works on family values with its employees and offers equal opportunity to all. Also the core importance of efficient team work is focused upon. This leads to higher confidence in the employee and they can communicate in a better way.

This is how most of the worldclass corporates function. They have a culture of open door policiy where one is easily accessible to all in the organization. Yes the proper heirarchy must be respected and should be followed, but it must be kept in mind that each spoke of the wheel is important for the wheel itself.

This should be taught to all sailors, despite of their ranks that all ranks are important for efficient running of the ship. The word team work must be emphasized upon on a large scale and the thought of one man show must be limited to self m better to get rid of it.

A person who is at a lower rank today, will be on the top tomorrow and those at the top will be either upgraded or removed from the system. This is life. This is the nature of the system. Thus, we shall remain meek and humble at all times with everyone.

"The best leaders are those who learn to meet the janitor with the same respect as with the CEO. That is humanity".

I came across a post on social media today, where one senior was asking a junior's rank, about his credibility when the poor fellow asked the condition of the ship he was about to join.Isn't it insane? We must learn from the people in the Americas and Europe and else where In the world where everyone is considered as equal and due respect is given. If we do not want to change ourselves for the good, then we should stop saying that western people are more advanced and mature.leadership is not dictatorship.

If you are a leader, uplift someone, do not kick them down. Work towards other's betterment and upgrade rien and your karma shall upgrade you automatically. Because,"what goes around, comes around.."

If you are at senior level, look upon your juniors as future leaders and set examples for them. let you de their idol. Let them tend to be you.If you faced certain challenges, or were bullied, ensure that your juniors are not facing the similar from you. Ensure they rise up like a star with their own light.

Do not be a black hole of universe, which just absobs and not emit.

Our wish come true as an effective leadership and management book has come up which is especially for the Mariners and by a Mariner. The book is,

"Golden Stripes, Leadership On The High Seas" by Capt V S Parani.

This book shall be on the shelves of each ship and in the backpack of each sailor. Captain V S Parani has done the finest Job of authoring some of the key life situations which every sailor might fare in their career.Also while going through the book, one will learn To relearn about effective leadership and team management. Effective leadership involves mutual respect, good listening skills and offering equal opportunities to all in terms initiatives and forgiveness as and when required.

Buy your copy today from Amazon is your country.This book is aratable in Hardcover (paper) and Kindle (electronic ebook) versions. Choose!

Aseem Rastogi

Marine Engineer Officer